
Showing posts from March, 2022

How Clothing for a Premature Baby is Important and How they are Taken Care of?

  Becoming a parent is the happiest feeling on earth. But parenting the first few weeks of a premature baby is quite challenging. Babies born between the 36 th to 37 th week of pregnancy is called premature baby or preemie. These babies are taken intensive care of. Premature babies have super sensitive skin. Therefore there are several factors the parents should remember while choosing premature baby clothes .  Important Factors of Premature Baby Clothing The premature baby clothes should satisfy some additional needs. Easy access: Generally the nurse put on a nappy and hat to the baby. It is important to choose clothes that mostly expose the body. The doctors need quick access to body parts to treat these babies. The clothing chosen should allow connecting different wires and tubes. Yet after all these, it is highly important that the baby is comfortable. Clothes with loop fastenings are perfect for premature babies. Washable in Machines: Regarding clothes for premature b...

Top 6 Trending Boy's Clothes in 2022

  Kid's clothing has evolved in various styles throughout the years. With easy access to social media and the popularity of kid's clothes, the kids are well acquainted with the latest trends. The parents, too, look forward to buying fashion-forward styles to make their kids stand out from the rest. While shopping for clothes for  7-8 years boy dress , it is essential to carefully choose the right fit and size apart from blindly following the trends. It is also crucial to look into the trends and prioritize to buy the clothes having sensible styles and brings comfort and helps your boy perform his everyday activities in style. Thus, as the kids grow every day, you need to buy clothes that are a size bigger without compromising on the comfort and the quality of the clothes. So, let us find out the essential clothing items trending this year for the boys.  6 Major Clothing Trends for Boys in 2022: Neutrals and warm palettes are the trending colours. Colours of neutral and wa...

How Can You Create a Simple Yet Flexible Collection for Your Kids Wardrobe?

When creating a capsule wardrobe, sticking to just the essential is crucial and highly recommended. By maintaining a minimal closet, you can easily keep the clothes organized; the clothing expenses in check and avoid the hassle of dressing your kids on time. Curating a flexible and simple wardrobe is a very sustainable and innovative option. The essentials should have a wide range of clothing: sweatshirts to  polo t shirts for boys   and dresses to graphic t-shirts for girls. The assembling of the everyday necessities in a closet makes the task of dressing the kids becomes easier. As kids grow up in no time, keeping a simple wardrobe of essentials at reasonable prices is vital.  So, let us explore the factors that will help you curate a simple wardrobe of clothes with flexible styles for your kids. Top Factors to Follow When Creating a Simplistic and Flexible Wardrobe: You must look for minimal styles in the clothes. As clothing determines to shape our characters, it is c...

What Are The Important and Popular Forms of Fabrics Suitable for Kid's Clothes

  Kids' fashion is no less than adults. There are a number of styles and designs that you can tailor for the little ones. For example, 2 years baby dress can be made in onesies and rompers, embroidered gowns etc. Little skirts, blouses and shirts are beautifully made for the little rockstars. But the most important factor about making kids' clothes is the fabric. Why Right Fabric Selection is Very Important? When you will start sewing a dress for a kid, choosing the right fabric is very important. Out of quite a number of options, choosing the right one is a big deal. The main criteria regarding the fabric are it has to be soft and comfortable. Comfort and safety are ranked as the most important aspect. Again the fabric needs to be breathable and not thick and slippery. The kid's clothing fabrics should be capable of withstanding multiple rounds of laundry. Not only laundry these fabrics should also resist wear and tear from crawling and playing. Types of Fabrics Suitable ...