How Clothing for a Premature Baby is Important and How they are Taken Care of?
Becoming a parent is the happiest feeling on earth. But parenting the first few weeks of a premature baby is quite challenging. Babies born between the 36 th to 37 th week of pregnancy is called premature baby or preemie. These babies are taken intensive care of. Premature babies have super sensitive skin. Therefore there are several factors the parents should remember while choosing premature baby clothes . Important Factors of Premature Baby Clothing The premature baby clothes should satisfy some additional needs. Easy access: Generally the nurse put on a nappy and hat to the baby. It is important to choose clothes that mostly expose the body. The doctors need quick access to body parts to treat these babies. The clothing chosen should allow connecting different wires and tubes. Yet after all these, it is highly important that the baby is comfortable. Clothes with loop fastenings are perfect for premature babies. Washable in Machines: Regarding clothes for premature b...