How Clothing for a Premature Baby is Important and How they are Taken Care of?

 Becoming a parent is the happiest feeling on earth. But parenting the first few weeks of a premature baby is quite challenging. Babies born between the 36th to 37th week of pregnancy is called premature baby or preemie. These babies are taken intensive care of. Premature babies have super sensitive skin. Therefore there are several factors the parents should remember while choosing premature baby clothes

Important Factors of Premature Baby Clothing

The premature baby clothes should satisfy some additional needs.

  • Easy access: Generally the nurse put on a nappy and hat to the baby. It is important to choose clothes that mostly expose the body. The doctors need quick access to body parts to treat these babies. The clothing chosen should allow connecting different wires and tubes. Yet after all these, it is highly important that the baby is comfortable. Clothes with loop fastenings are perfect for premature babies.

  • Washable in Machines: Regarding clothes for premature babies, clothes washable in machines are ideal. Every time you wash the clothes it should be at a high temperature. This helps in removing any kind of impurities and dust. Sterilized clothes are a must for premature babies. A premature baby is delicate in every manner, even their skin and respiratory system. Hence the detergents used should be free of fragrance and hypoallergenic. 

  • Size: The size of a preemie dress is an equally important factor. The size of these dresses varies among the different brands. The size is mainly measured as per the weight and height of the baby. The height is considered from shoulder to the legs. The sizes available in the market cover weight starting from 500 grams to 2.5 kilograms. It is always recommended you remember the height and weight of your baby while buying preemie. Also, choose brands that are specialized in making preemies.

  • Fabric: The fabric for newborn babies should always be of cotton. It needs to be breathable and soft. The skin of a premature baby is very delicate and therefore prone to damage. Therefore organic and natural fabrics are highly recommended.

  • Proper Patterns: There must be no harsh seams in a preemie. For babies who require special care, wrap-around patterns with loops for tying are most suitable. This pattern serves as the most important factor for easy access to the baby’s skin.

Clothing Items for a Premature Baby

A premature baby calls for special attention at NICU or home. There are several special clothing items meant for premature babies. These clothes serve all kinds of basic needs of a pre-term baby.  The special premature clothes include a number of options such as mittens, vests, hats, regular baby clothes, swaddles, etc.

  • The infants tend to hold and scratch everything they find near their little hands. Therefore little coverings are made to cover the hands. These hand-covering items are called mittens. The mittens put off the babies from scratching their faces. Mittens with removing and pulling tools are ideal in the case of premature babies.

  • Special vests for preemies are also available. These vests are specially designed for use in the incubator. These vests can be washed in a machine and are adjustable. More than one wire and tube can be accommodated through these vests. These vests are front open and provide easy access for the doctors to the baby’s body parts.

  • Hats for preemies are also very common. The head happens to be a larger area from where heat can be lost. Hats help to maintain body heat in premature babies. Hats are quite effective for retaining heat from the skin to skin contact.

  • As prescribed by the NICU, preemies can be worn top frocks as regular clothes. There are other options as well. For example, sleepsuits, onesies, different sung clothes, etc.

  • Swaddles are a very common clothing option for premature babies and full-term babies. It gives the babies a feeling of security like in the womb.


After the baby weight becomes 2 kilograms, you would have several dress options. But till then the clothing categories for a baby are very important to maintain.


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